Food: Smoked Haddock Chowder with a nod to Nigel Slater

The days have been hotter than usual and we've been eating later and later. Something about the warmer weather makes me less inclined to want to cook so recipes which require as little involvement from me as possible always seem more attractive.

I hadn't made any haddock chowder for ages and a quick look at a Nigel Slater recipe from his book Eat made me realise that I didn't have all the ingredients. I made some calculated substitutions and was so pleased with the results. The smoked fish was delicious, as was the sweetness from the sweetcorn. I'll definitely make this version again!

1 banana shallot, chopped finely
300ml double cream
400g frozen smoked haddock
1 1/2 cups of frozen sweetcorn.
2 bay leaves
1 handful of parsley, chopped finely

Soften the shallot in butter on a medium heat until golden, add the double cream, fish, sweetcorn, bay leaf and parsley. Bring to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes, or until fish flakes easily. Season generously with black pepper. Add salt to taste. Serve with a warm, buttered roll and enjoy! Serves 2.



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