Quick Black Forest Berry Smoothie

When the kids ask if they can cook something, they invariably mean that they want to eat what ever they've made in about 5 minutes. They like baking but lose interest while the cakes or biscuits are in the oven, and then I end up doing the decorating while they're playing. This week they asked whether they could make smoothies, which I thought was perfect for their limited attention span in the kitchen. This proved a great way for them to eat some red fruits they wouldn't generally eat, but obviously they were long gone by the time it came for clean up!

Black Forest Berry Smoothie

Black Forest Berry Smoothie

250g Black Forest berries, frozen (from freezer aisle)
1 large banana
2 scoops vanilla ice-cream
500ml whole milk

Blend all the ingredients until smooth and serve immediately!

Serves 2.




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