Gluten-Free Orange Cake
The daffodils are blooming and the mornings are brighter here in the east of Scotland but the weather hasn't seemed to realise that it's meant to be Spring. This week we've had hail storms, snow and lots and lots of rain which makes me want to switch to hibernation mode and hunker down... a bit Groundhog-like really. Life is slowly returning to normal after the disruption of having our kitchen remodelled in January. Four weeks without a kitchen was difficult, but it made me appreciate how lucky I am. Yes, the disruption was a pain but I still ate really well (from my well-stocked freezer) and now feel really inspired to cook in my new kitchen. My approach to life this year is to be a lot more positive and after nearly two years of daily meditation and yoga, I feel that my general outlook has become much sunnier. Yes, I still worry about little things, but I don't let them consume me and when life gives me lemons, well... which leads me to this week's recipe. I can feel a cold lurking after all the strange weather we've had and now after buying some oranges (and vitamin C tablets) to boost my immune system, I've decided to make an orange cake. See... there's the silver lining!
Gluten-Free Orange Cake
175g butter, softened
175g golden caster sugar, sifted
zest of two oranges
2 large eggs
100g gluten-free self-raising flour
75g ground almonds
100ml milk
100g icing sugar
juice of 1 orange
1. Cream the butter, orange zest and caster sugar with an electric mixer.
2. Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well between adding each egg.
3. Fold in flour and ground almonds.
4. Add milk and mix lightly until combined.
5. Make in a 1 lb loaf tin in a pre-heated oven at 180C for approximately 45 minutes (or until a skewer comes out clean). Allow the cake to cool in the tin for about 10 minutes.
6. For the icing: Dissolve icing sugar in orange juice.
7. Poke the cake all over with a skewer and then pour over the syrup. Allow to set.
Enjoy with a cup of tea!

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